Vietnam Veterans of New Mexico Memorial
To ensure that the State of New Mexico citizens never forget those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country during the Vietnam War and to honor each of these New Mexico veterans, the New Mexico Veterans Memorial Foundation has sponsored the construction of the Vietnam Veterans of New Mexico Memorial Wall. This memorial is displayed in the Visitor's Center to honor and provide a permanent tribute to a generation of proud Americans who led our country through one of the most challenging periods in our nation’s history.
To honor each of the four hundred New Mexico veterans who served proudly and died in the Vietnam War, Joe D. Salas, a Vietnam Veteran, has designed and constructed the Vietnam Veterans of New Mexico Memorial Wall to be displayed at the museum in the New Mexico Veterans’ Memorial Visitor's Center. Thanks to the efforts of Vietnam veterans Art Canales and Arthur DeVargas and all of the families and friends of the veterans that have gathered and compiled the documentation since 2009. The Memorial Wall consists of 400 names and photos of each of the New Mexico veterans who served honorably for their country and who died in the Vietnam War. Directly below each photo will be a small dog tag with the veteran’s name, home of record, date of casualty and the panel number where the veteran can be located on the Vietnam Wall in Washington, D.C. Personal information about those killed and the history of the Vietnam War are presented in additional displays and binders. This is the most unique Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall ever constructed and is a great honor to all Vietnam Veterans. The formal dedication of the Vietnam Veterans of New Mexico Memorial Wall was at 11:30 AM, September 20, 2013 at the New Mexico Veterans Memorial. This wall is open to the public and admission is free. We also have a portable display at the New Mexico State Fair Expo in September each year. |
MUSEUM Open 9am to 3pm, daily. Admission is free. (505) 768-4498 1100 Louisiana Blvd. SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 |